Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Help


Just released from Dreamworks Pictures and Touchstone Home Entertainment is the outstanding film “The Help”.

The film follows Skeeter, played by Emily Stone, an inspiring writer who decides to write a book regarding the hired help in the 1960’s south of America. Skeeter joins forces with two maids played outstandingly by Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer and together they create a book that exposes the truth about the women in their small town.

What makes this film, hands down, is the cast. Each character is played so fantastically you believe that these characters are real and you have an understanding for each of them. Celia, played by the wonderful Jessica Chastain is such a warm character that you understand the bond between her and Octavia Spencer’s character Minny and Bryce Dallas Howard does such a good job of playing Hilly, the ‘bad girl’ of the film.

The Blu-ray release includes a Making of featurette entitled “From Friendship To Film” which explains the director of the film, Tate Taylor, and the author of the book in which the film is based’s friendship and how the book came about. Also included is another featurette entitled “In Their Own Words: A Tribute To The Maids of Mississippi”. This featurette follows the film’s director and star of the film, Octavia Spencer, as they hear the stories from the maids themselves and learn how it was to be a maid in the 1960’s. Also included on the Blu-ray release are deleted scenes and a music video “The Living Proof” performed by Mary J. Blige. The DVD release includes the music video and deleted scenes.

With an amazing array of characters, a more than worthy cast and a fantastic story, The Help is a fantastic addition to your Blu-ray or DVD Collection. Out now from Dreamworks Pictures and Touchstone Home Entertainment.

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