Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mars Needs Moms


Just released from Walt Disney Pictures is a new and exciting out of this world film “Mars Needs Moms”.

The film follows, Milo (Played by Seth Green) who after witnessing his Mother being taken away in a spaceship, follows her abductors to Mars. There he discovers that Mars uses Earth Mothers to create robots to raise their children. But that’s not good news for Milo’s Mother, and Milo makes it his mission to save her with the help of his new friends, fellow human Gribble and friendly Martian Ki.

It’s hard to see why this film didn’t do so well at the box office. It’s a fantastic family-friendly film that gets right into the action with the very first scene of the film. It’s motion capture effects are amazing, and the sheer fact that the child Milo is played by an adult Seth Green is astounding. The story itself, though filled with sci-fi special effects and fantastic action sequences, is so heart warming you will find yourself so emotionally involved with the characters. Milo represents the sheer guilt you had as a child whenever you hurt your parents unintentionally and how all you want to do is say sorry. In short, the film will make you have a whole new respect for your Mother.

Bonus features include two short featurettes, “Fun With Seth” and “Martian 101”. “Fun With Seth” follows actor Seth Green as he records all his motion capture work for the character of Milo and also shows some behind-the-scenes relationships with himself and the rest of the cast. “Martian 101” follows the Martian cast as they create the Martian language and includes a brief lesson into the language itself.

With fantastic special effects and a story that will warm your heart, “Mars Needs Moms” is a must-have addition to your DVD collection. Available now from Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.

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